‘n Toer deur ons museum | A tour of our museum

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Welkom by die virtuele museum van die Henning families.

Ons virtuele museum is gebaseer op die uitstalling wat die Henning Familie gedurende 1991 by die Kerkpleinmuseum, Aliwal-Noord opgerig het.

Tussen 1988 en 1991 het Olivier Henning, as Bondsekretaris van die Henning Familiebond en beamptes van die Aliwal-Noord munisipaliteit ooreengekom dat die Henning familie ‘n uitstalling sou voor-berei as deel van die dorpsmuseum.

Ons het besluit dat die tema van ons uitstalling sal wees: “DIE HENNING FAMILIE AS TIPIESE NOORD-OOS KAAP TREK-BOERE” en dat die fasade van ons uitstalling ‘n replika sal wees van die eerste permanente opstal wat Gert Frans Henning *1785 gedurende 1850 op die plaas Damfontein gebou het.

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Welcome at the virtual museum of the Henning families.

Our virtual museum is based on the exhibition the Henning family erected during 1991 at the Church Square museum, Aliwal North.

Between 1988 and 1991 Olivier Henning, as League Secretary of the Henning Family League and officials of the Aliwal North Municipality agreed that the Henning family would prepare an exhibition as part of the town museum.

We decided that the theme of our exhibition would be: “THE HENNING FAMILY AS A TYPICAL NORTH-EASTERN CAPE TREK-BOER FAMILY” and that the facade of our exhibition would be a replica of the first permanent homestead Gert Frans Henning *1785 built during 1850 on the farm Damfontein.
