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Hierdie riempiesnyer is op Damfontein gebruik om alle riempies ewe dik te sny. Dit het gegeld vir skoenveters en riempies vir stoele en banke. Die geelhoutbank wat onder Damfontein / Huis / Meubels besigtig kan word, asook die skoenveters wat by Damfontein / Huis / Diverse / Skoenmaker vertoon word, is voorbeelde waar hierdie snyer gebruik is. Goeie kwaliteit gebreide beesvel is gebruik om alle riempies te sny.
Riempiesnyer in besit van die Henning Familiebond
This leather thong-cutter was used on Damfontein to cut all leather-thongs the same thickness. This was applicable to shoe-laces and chair – and bench seats. The yellow-wood bench which can be seen at Damfontein / House / Furniture as well as the shou-laces at Damfontein / House / Other items / Shoemaker are examples where this cutter was used. Good quality curried cattle skin was used to cut all riempies
Leather thong-cutter in possession of the Henning family League