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[GDC_column size=”half”] RUSBANK wat teen die einde van die 19de eeu en 20ste eeu in die 1850 opstal se woonkamer gebruik is. Later het a2.b7.c8.d8.e1. Stanley Henning *1904, oudste seun van Olivier Johannes Henning *1869 die bank besit. Daarna Stanley se seun Olivier *1930 (f2) en daarna Olivier se dogter Ronel *1959 (g1).
Hoewel die bekleedsel al meer as 100-jaar oud is, is dit nog in ‘n verbasend goeie toestand.
COUCH which was used at the end of the 19th century and 20th century in the living room of the 1850 homestead. Later a2.b7.c8.d8.e1. Stanley *1904, oldest son of Olivier Johannes Henning *1869 owned the couch and after him, his son Olivier *1930 (f2) and after him, his daughter Ronel *1959 (g1).
In spite of the fact that the upholstery is older than 100-years, it is still in quite good condition.